Therapeutic Exercise

What is a therapeutic exercise session?

Therapeutic Exercise Sessions are when the fun really begins! Using lots of treats and praise, the therapist guides your dog through exercises designed to promote normal walking patterns, strengthen muscles and improve balance and coordination.The exercise sessions are designed for each pet to be as fun and pain-free as possible.  If your dog is overly tired or sore following a session, we adjust the exercises to meet his or her needs.  

I take my pet on regular leash walks, do we need therapeutic exercise sessions as well?

While walking is great exercise, it does not specifically target certain goals or areas. During therapeutic exercise sessions we use equipment like balance pads/boards, Cavaletti Poles, mats and cones to design exercises that will meet your pet’s goals.

How long does a session last?

Exercise sessions or acupuncture treatments range from 30 to 45 minutes. Typically, sessions start with therapeutic exercises and end with joint range of motion and stretching.  If your dog has a complicated problem, however, more time may be needed per session. 

Can my pet also get an acupuncture or LASER treatment during a therapeutic exercise session?

Additional therapies can be added to a Therapeutic Exercise session. Please let us know in advance if you are interested in adding another therapy so extra time can be alloted to ensure your pet gets all they need.

Ready to set up a consultation?

Get your pet feeling and living better today!